
Posted at 11:29 PM in

Chandipur is a small place on the bay of Bengal situated 15 kilometers from Balasore railway station. Balasore itself is located at about 220 km from Bhubaneswar and 240 km from Kolkata. Balasore is well connected by rail and road to most of the important cities of India.  You can visit Chandipur at any time of the year. Avoid visiting Chandipur on stormy seasons. There are many hotels and lodges at Chandipur. Of course you have the option of staying at Balasore.

The Chandipur sea beach is unique in India. Here the sea recedes more than four kilometers at low tide. You can find people playing football and driving vehicles/cycles upto 2 or 3 kilometer into the sea at the time of low tide . The casuarina trees on the sea shore, the golden sand, crabs, shells, mussels, conches, shells and star fishes are about to leave permanent imprint in your memory.

The mouth of river Budha Balanga is a place known as Balaramgadi situated at about 3 km from Chandipur. It is one of the main fishing harbors of Eastern India. You can find fishing boats and trawlers  venturing into the sea or returning with full-boat fishes.

Chandipur is also famous for Integrated Test Range (ITR) of India Government. Proof and Experimental Establishment is another large government organisation located here.

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